As of 2018, The Leuven.Inc Foundation focuses on bridging the gap between a high tech community and the social economy and to emphasise the importance of societal impact.
In addition, some other specific business development activities within the Leuven region and abroad are undertaken. The Leuven.Inc Foundation will as such stay in touch with the community of high tech, health, creative and social companies in the region and far beyond.
Furthermore, we wish to create a reputation for encouraging and supporting socioeconomic projects.
The Leuven.Inc Foundation is one of the founding members of Leuven MindGate and in consultation with this organisation, members and a majority of the ‘branded Leuven.Inc events’ are integrated with Leuven MindGate.
Leuven.Inc was established in 1999 by imec, K.U.Leuven, Arthur Andersen (Deloitte), Fortis Bank (BNP Paribas Fortis) and KBC with the active support of Capricorn Partners, Easics, ICOS Vision Systems (KLA-Tencor), Krypton (Metris-Nikon Metrology), LMS International, Materialise and Option.
The link to high-tech entrepreneurship
The mission of Leuven.Inc was to build a permanent bridge between knowledge clusters, high-tech entrepreneurs, enterprises, students, researchers, young starters, socioeconomic partners and other interested partners.
An eye for networking and contacts
More than 500 companies and individuals with areas of expertise ranging from micro-electronics, engineering, over health and medical research, to ICT, life sciences, food and materials were a member of the Leuven.Inc network. These like-minded people are the living proof that behind the exchange of knowledge and experience lie the impulses to continuously stimulate innovation and entrepreneurship.
Our networking events
Through its networking events and activities, Leuven.Inc aimed at creating a communication platform where young starters, scientists and technology growth companies meet and share knowledge and expertise.
The overall goal was to create a healthy and dynamic, future-oriented and expanding prosperity in the region of Leuven, Flanders and beyond.
To meet this goal, Leuven.Inc organized and co-ordinated events and activities.
Yearly over 60 to 80 seminars were organized with a specific technology or management theme, based on present-day evolutions on the international market.
Some key products were:
Entrepreneurscafés: The entrepreneurscafé combines a company visit with an interesting on-site discussion on a specific topic in the area of entrepreneurship. About 6 companies a year open their doors for this networking event.
Visionary Seminars: The visionary focus of these seminars gives an insight into the expected trends of the near future. Participants can evaluate their present-day product or technology and steer its development in the right direction to keep up with their competitors.
Leuven.Inc organised more than 72 visionary seminars since 2000. ​
Management and Leadership Workshops: Based on the needs of the start-ups and scale-ups, workshops are organised to tackle the issues of growth, internationalisation, marketing, sales, human resources
Leuven.Inc actively participated in the international network of the knowledge community, forging bonds and opening new channels of communication beyond boundaries, always putting an emphasis on the advantages of the Leuven region as an essential junction of a global knowledge and network economy.
The Leuven.Inc Foundation was officially set up in December 2010. The purpose of the Foundation was to allow the development of new initiatives, among relevant projects that contribute to the promotion, stimulation and execution of competitive and/or social entrepreneurship.
Koenraad Debackere, Chairman of Leuven.Inc, explains: "The foundation wishes to stimulate entrepreneurship in all its forms and to create a Flemish and European 'maecenas reputation' for the support for socio-economic projects, for example by creating a 'Leuven.Inc Foundation Award' where projects are encouraged and selected in a competitive environment".